Faithful Daddy Next Door: A Dominant Protector Romance Read online

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  “Baseball is a wonderful thing.” Naomi hooks her pinkie in the side of her mouth and drools over the players. “What views we have.”

  Direct in her line of site is Mike Knox. “I’ve heard he’s a player. Have you dated him?” I accuse.

  “You mean have slept with him?” Naomi whips back. “I’m a virgin.”

  “Ha,” Lydia laughs. “You wish.”

  “Bitch,” Naomi hisses. She shrugs and scoots down away from prying ears. She motions for us to follow. Lydia and I slide down. “Okay, I’ve had sex. Once. It’s not what it’s cracked up to be. Guys are dumb and they really don’t know what to do with their dick.”

  “Tell her it hurts,” Lydia says.

  “Oh yeah, big time.”

  All my life I romanticized sex. Never thought of it as being painful. Guess it could be. “What if you touch yourself, before you do? Does it still hurt?” I ask. My logic being that masturbation helps guys. It has to help girls too.

  “You’re joking.” Naomi rolls her eyes. “Go ahead try it all you like, but trust me sex hurts. The bigger he is. The more it hurts. You.” She eyeballs me. “Had better look for a short tiny man.”

  “You don’t know everything, Naomi.” I stand, biting my tongue. I’m so close to telling her off. Telling her everything just to shut her up. “Love doesn’t hurt. When I do it, it will be with a man I love. He won’t hurt me. God wouldn’t let that happen.”

  Saying my piece, I step past Lydia and down to the front row of the bleachers. I’d had enough of their lies. But watching the game, the thought of how big Ryan’s manhood is, kept creeping into my thoughts.

  When he stretched his legs wide to catch a grounder, I stared at his crotch. When he bent in half, touching his toes to limber up, I wondered if he squished his package. Every glimpse I steal his direction, I don’t look for the deep cleft in his chin to make me smile, I examine his pants for signs of a huge bulge. I’m officially obsessed. I have to know. Is he big enough to hurt me?

  Chapter Six


  For the next month, Grace and I take our relationship slow. We steal moments in the car, parked in store parking lots, just long enough to exchange lust filled kisses.

  I’m horny for more of her, but am hesitant to let on, since I haven’t spoken to Pastor Danny yet. It’s on my to do list, but honestly I don’t want him to say no to our being together. It will crush me to be told to let her go. I don’t want to hear those words, so I let things coast.

  One Sunday, before church, Grace’s mom corners me in the hallway. “Pastor Ryan. Could I speak to you?”

  “Mrs Harding. Nice to see you this morning.” I look over her shoulder to Grace, who is standing in line at the coffee cafe. “All is well next door?”

  She takes a quick glance behind her, then pulls me aside. Her behavior is worrisome. Has she found out? Did Grace confess?

  “I have a favor to ask,” she says, easing my fear a tad.

  “Nothing serious I hope,” I prod, giving her the best concerned Pastor look I can, even though I’m dying inside to get to the point.

  “Nothing like that.” She waves a hand. “We’re all fine. Isiah has a cough, but he’s fine. Tuesday is Grace’s birthday. She’s volunteering this morning with you in the barn. I thought you might sing to her.”

  Of course I know her birthday is coming up. We’ve made secret plans to go out. Grace will say she’s spending it with friends and I’ll meet her to take her to dinner. I have other surprises too. None I will tell her mother. “I can arrange that.” It will be awkward, singing to my girlfriend in front of church, without giving ourselves up, but I have to try now. “I’ll set it up with the band. The praise team has done this before in the past.”

  “No,” she snaps, then smiles real big. “It has to be you singing to her. It’ll mean so more coming from you.”

  “Mrs Harding. I can’t sing to all the parishioners.”

  “Ryan. I know.” She says in a tone that matched the one my mother used when she found out I’d been masturbating at night. “Make the moment special for her. The way only you can.” She kisses me on the cheek, then wipes the lipstick stain off with her thumb. “She’s turning twenty-one. It has to be a birthday she’ll never forget.”

  She leaves, joining Isiah for service. I get pulled away for a pre-sermon Pastor prayer meeting. I don’t get a chance to validate my love for Grace to her mom, but I have a feeling she approves of us.

  “Hey, what did mom want?” Grace catches me in a back hall.

  “It’s a secret.” I take her by the hand and pull her into my office. It’s risky to be alone with her before service, but I have to steal a kiss.

  We fall into each other, living in the moment, daring to tempt fate. “I want to tell the whole church about us. I’m tired of sneaking around,” Grace says, nuzzled against my chest.

  “We will. Soon. Can you feel my heart beat?” I ask, kissing the top of her head. “I have a sexy dare for you.”

  “What is it?” She looks up.

  Her delicious lips tempt me for one more kiss. “Why don’t you—go to my car.” I slide my hand up her backside, raising the hem of her dress as I do. “Take these off and leave them in the glove box.” I trail my fingertip just inside her panties.

  “But I won’t be wearing any,” she gasps, parting her lips. “Why?”

  She needs more convincing. I move her hand to feel my hard on. “Because I want your essence with me when I take care of this after church.”

  “I can’t walk around with no panties.”

  “Why not?” She melts when I suck on her earlobe, so I do and add, “Don’t you want to feel naughty? For me.”

  “Isn’t it a sin?” She’s giving in. She’s even squeezing my dick. “What if someone sees me?”

  “No one will. Do it for me, my love.” I hear footsteps in the hall and quickly jump behind my desk, leaving Grace on the other side.

  “Pastor?” Mr Cotton questions. “Are you two in a prayer meeting.”

  “No, Grace was helping me find my sermon notes.” I pick up a random file. “Got them. Thanks Grace.” I give her a high five and move to walk around the desk, but feel my rigid cock stuffed in my pants. “On second thought I remembered a parishioner that needs a certain scripture. It’ll take me a minute to look it up.” I sit down and open up my laptop. “See you at the barn.”

  Thankfully Grace and Mr Cotton both leave. I bang my head against the deck. “Fudge balls I’m fudged up,” I groan, squirming in my seat.

  When the service starts, I’m in the zone. The atmosphere is hot, everyone’s having a good time. I’m praising God and my girl is sitting in the seats, praising him too. She’s going to be a perfect wife.

  Just after worship, I take my place on stage. The room of teenagers are all on their feet. I can barely see Grace in the back. “Stay standing everyone. We have a special announcement this morning. One of our own is having a birthday this week. She’s shy, so anyone with a birthday this month, please step on up.” A handful of teenagers, step up or are pushed up on stage by their friends. Grace stays hidden in the back. As I thought she would. She hates the spotlight. “Volunteers too,” I say. She still doesn’t make a move for the stage. “Grace Harding. I’m talking to you.”

  The kids hoot and holler, turning around to look for her. “You’re going to force me?” I can see her in the back, nodding her head no and pleading for me to stop, but I can’t. “AMAZING GRACE,” I belt out.

  “Fine!” She marches up the aisle. The crowd cheers her along every step. “Happy?” she huffs, putting up a heavy wall.

  I shake her by the shoulders to loosen her up. “Your mother asked me to,” I whisper in her ear. “Happy birthday.”

  It’s tempting to plant a small peck on her cheek, but even an innocent kiss will be blown up bigger by the curious teenagers watching our every move.

  “It’s Grace’s twenty first birthday. Sing along.” The room sings with me an innocent rendition o
f the birthday song. When we’re finished, Grace quickly steps off the stage.

  During the sermon, I find it hard to focus. It’s the first time Grace’s been a volunteer in the barn since we got together. Having her near and hiding our feelings is harder than I imagined. Every flinch and smile I notice across the room is inviting. I’ve never had carnal thoughts from the pulpit, but I have to admit she tempts me further than any other woman.

  After church I have to steal another kiss. She’s cleaning up the pews, but peering eyes are still around. It’s too risky to try anything in the barn. “Thank you for helping out Grace,” I say loud enough for other volunteers to hear. “You look troubled.” I take her hands in a mock prayer stance. She bows her head, playing along. “Meet me in the puppet closet. Ten minutes.” I say, barely above my breath. “Bless you.” I announce loud and walk away from her.

  Lord let the puppet closet be unlocked. I slip over to the other building, hoping it’s semi deserted. The place I’ve asked her to meet me at is a small props closet in the children’s ministry building. It’s rarely used, stuffed with old puppets, and just big enough for a secret rendezvous.

  “Ryan?” She timidly steps in, closing the closet door behind her. She’s strikingly beautiful at that very moment. She’s in awe of our surroundings. Her soft eyes look up in wonder to the multi-colored puppets hanging from the ceiling. “I’ve never come in here.”

  “I can make you come in here.” I pull her to me and hold her close. “Did you take your panties off like I asked?”

  “Why do you think I didn’t want to go up on stage?” She holds her dress tight around her hips.

  “Let me see.” I inch the fabric up, caressing her smooth naked rear. “You obeyed,” I growl in her ear. “Do you know how much that excites me?” I move in close, showing her how excited I am.

  “Ryan, stop. We’re in church.” She smiles with a sparkle in her eye that doesn’t quit.

  “Even better. Do you feel naughty? Where?” I dare to maneuver my hand up her dress and press a single digit on her clit.

  She jumps with a gasped intake of air. I slide my finger in more, feeling her pussy lips grab hold. She exhales, tilting her head back, moaning my name.

  “Do you want to stop?” I suck on her neck. Her heart beats faster. I probe deeper into her throbbing entrance. “Do you want to come?”

  She trembles a yes. Her knees wobble and I work my fingers up further. I’m rewarded with a louder moan. “Ohhhh,” she shudders, clenching tight.

  “Right there?” I pulse inside her. She’s weak, but fucking my hand like a desperate whore. “Is this the first time you’ve been touched?”

  She doesn’t answer. Instead she rests her head on my shoulder and bites my neck. I hold my thumb on her clit. “You want this. Don’t you?”

  She’s incapable of answering me. I hold still. “Answer me or I stop. Have you been touched, Grace?” I repeat.

  “No, no, not by a man.”

  “You’ve touched yourself?” I rub her clit. She inhales and exhales slowly. I’m holding her up now. She’s vibrating on my hand, tensing, and releasing, on the verge of an orgasm.

  “What do you think of when you rub yourself? Are we having sex?”

  “Yes.” She turns her wrist up and rubs the back of her hand over my hard on. “I want to. I don’t want to wait for marriage.” She flips her hand and cups my dick with her palm. “I want you inside me.”

  “How bad?” I jam my fingers harder and faster, simulating my dick. “Show me. Do it, Grace.” I’m dying to feel her come on my fingers. I want to finish too, but this is her time.

  “Oh—I—yes—yes!” He face contorts as her body tenses.

  I hold strong, enjoying her orgasm with her. “Yes, oh joyous yes, my love.”

  “Yes.” She shivers in my arms. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” I plunge my lips on hers for a kiss. She pulls away, biting and stretching out my lower lip.

  “Did we just do this in here?” She looks around at the lifeless eyes of the puppets watching our show. “This was so bad.”

  “We didn’t hurt anything.” I jerk a puppet down, slip it on, and make it bite her chest. “Mmmm, boobies,” I say in a funny voice. “It’s not like we used them as props. We could.” I turn the puppet down to raise her dress. She grips the hem, keeping her clothes in place.

  “Stop. We’ve done enough.” She hits my chest and I pull her to me, letting her feel the erection in my pants. “You didn’t. I’m sorry.”

  “What this?” I hold her hand on my cock and thump it for her. “I’ll take care of it with the present you left me in the car.” We stare into each other’s eyes. I get the feeling she’s about to take care of my problem for me.

  But there’s laughter outside in the hall. We both turn and watch a set of shadows pass by under the door. “Some other time.” I place the puppet on a shelf. “You’d better go out first.”

  “Text me later. We’ll meet before dinner.”

  She has her hand on the doorknob, but I can’t let her go yet. “Grace.” I pull her back. “I don’t want to hide my love for you anymore. Let me take you out for your birthday. A new year. A new promise.”

  “Okay.” She nods in agreement. “I’m yours, Ryan Nichols. I don’t care who knows it.”

  “Amazing that you’re mine, Grace. I intend on giving you the happiest birthday possible.”

  I didn’t have all the details for Tuesday evening ironed out yet. I fantasized about taking her virginity, but I’m not going to pressure her into it. If sex doesn’t happen then, I hope the night will end with at least another explosion like we just had, except mutual.

  Chapter Seven


  “Don’t leave this house young lady!” Dad yells.

  “You can’t tell me what to do.” I step into my flats and walk to the door. “I’m not spending another minute here with you. You’re an overbearing ogre and I’m a not a child anymore.” I swing the front door open to storm out. “I’ll spend my birthday with Ryan.”

  “Pastor Ryan,” Dad corrects.

  “With Ryan, my boyfriend.” I look over my dad’s shoulder to mom. She’s practically in tears. I know after I leave he’s going to take my defiance out on her, but I can’t change her life choices. I have to live with mine. “Sorry, mom.”

  I shut the front door, leaving my parents problems on the porch. “This is my night. My birthday to remember.” I wobble down the front walk to the sidewalk. Did I just say all that to my dad?

  “You ready?” Ryan asks, meeting me halfway. He holds out a hand and I take it. We stroll hand in hand to his car in the driveway. It’s too much public display of affection for my dad. I feel him watching through the kitchen window, but I don’t care. He doesn’t control me.

  After opening the door for me, he runs around and settles in the driver’s seat. “So, how do you want to spend your big night?” he asks, gripping the steering wheel as if he didn’t have the whole evening planned out.

  “Dinner. Someplace with alcohol,” I say. Besides a streak of defiance, my inner being is craving to be naughty. I’m with a man of the world and fell empowered. “No limits. Let’s do it.”

  “My place?” he teases. “We can go back inside.”

  “No.” I slap him on the thigh. He smacks his hand down covering mine and holds it in place.

  “Leave it here,” he orders and slowly lifts his hand.

  His command thrills me. I leave my hand in place, feeling his thigh pulse as he shifts his foot between the gas and brake pedals. “So we’re out in the open,” I confess. “Mom and dad know.”

  “Really? I’m glad.” He’s calm and that puts me at ease.

  “What sinful things do you have planned for my twenty-first birthday?”

  “You’ll see.” At a stop light, he quickly pulls at the string hanging from the neckline of my dress. “Loosen that.”

  I check the dress and untie the bow that kept me modest. After a
little fluffing, I’m clearly showing more cleavage.

  “Much better.”

  We drive downtown, barely making small talk. “Here we are,” he announces, parking the car in an event parking lot. Since there’s everything within walking distance of the lot, I still have no idea what he has planned.

  “You’ll love this place.” He turns off the engine and opens his door. I put my hand on the door handle to do the same. “Stay put.”

  Butterflies churn in my stomach as I wait for him to walk around to open my door. He’s such a gentleman. I gush. What’s taking so long? I turn in my seat. The vehicle shakes with a loud thump coming from the back of the vehicle. I check the side mirror and see Ryan stepping around with a box and something hidden behind his back.

  A present! And flowers! I’m thrilled to no end. I’ve never received flowers from a boyfriend before. He pauses outside the door, with his hands full he can’t open the door, so I swing it open.

  “For my love on her very special day.” He whips around the bouquet of long stemmed red roses.

  “They’re—beautiful.” I’m almost in tears, overjoyed with the gesture.

  I cradle the bouquet in my arms and inhale the intoxicating smell.

  “Do you like them my love?”

  My love? The term of endearment renders me speechless. He loves me? I’m his? I throw my arm around his neck and squeeze him tight. “I love them. I—love—you.

  “They can’t compare to your beauty.” He holds my chin firm and captures me with a kiss. “Ready for your next surprise?”

  I happily nod, turning my attention to the box in his hand.

  “Sit back down.” I do, holding the flowers in my lap. He kneels in front of me. “Close your eyes.” I obey. He slowly slips the flat shoes off my feet. I hear the box opening and feel him slip new shoes on my feet. I’m dying to open my eyes.

  “Can I look?”

  “Not yet.” He takes my hand and helps me stand. “Now.”

  I look down and I’m teetering on high heels. “I’ve never worn shoes any higher than a small heel.” I grip his hand tighter as I twist to see the side of the shoes. “I can’t walk in these.”