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Faithful Daddy Next Door: A Dominant Protector Romance Page 6

  “Sure you can.” He wraps my arm around his and leads me away from the car. “Do you feel sexy?”

  I do. I feel sexy as hell. I’m not as steady as I’d like to be and after tripping on the first curb, I slow my strut down and try to just walk arm and arm with Ryan. “I’ll get used to them. Thank you. I love them.”

  We stroll down the sidewalk connected at the hip. His arm around my waist and mine around his. When a group of teenagers rush past us, he barks out, “Slow down.” I flinch and he apologizes. “Sorry flashed back to the barn for a second. I’m all yours again.”

  “It’s alright. I’d like to forget you’re a Pastor, but it’s a part of you.”

  “Not tonight.” He kisses me gently. “Tonight I’m a man and you’re are very tempting.” He kisses me harder, shoving his tongue down my throat.

  I’m dizzy after the harsh kiss. “Can I get that drink now?”

  “Let’s cross the street.”

  “Is this your bar? The place you came before you got saved?” I ask.

  “No, it’s just a bar. Never been in here myself.”

  The place is a sports bar, not exactly what I was expecting. There are flat screens on the walls with the game playing. The crowd consisted mostly of men, drinking beer. And the waitresses wore short shorts and baseball themed jerseys that left nothing to the imagination. I glance down at my barely showing chest and think, How can I compare? “This is a mistake.” I pull away, turning back to the door.

  “Nope. Sit.” He marches me up to the bar and pulls a barstool out. “Are you nervous?” He places a hand on my knee, stopping it from shaking. “You’re legal to sit here.”

  “It’s not that.” I hear my dad’s voice in my head. Your body is a temple. No age grants you permission to defile your body. Good girls don’t drink and they don’t show off their bodies. “Quiet,” I mutter. “Order me anything.”

  “How about a strawberry daiquiri?” He nods to the bartender. “Two straws please.” He turns to me. “We’ll share. I want you tipsy, not drunk.”

  “I’ve never used that word. Tipsy means I’ll get a little drunk?” Most of my nervous energy around Ryan is based in the fact that I’ve been a Christian all my life and he has been out in the world. He’s experienced, good and bad, things I’ll never dream of in my lifetime. “Have you ever been really drunk?” I ask, feeling ridiculous as soon as the words leave my mouth.

  “Too many times, but that’s behind me now. God’s forgiven me. I hope you can too.”

  “I do.” I reassure him, naturally placing a hand on his thigh. With our knees tucked up under the counter, out of view, he places his hand on mine and squeezes. He leans in to purse his lips at my ear. “It makes me feel good to know you’re not judging me by my past. I’ve waited a long time to find a woman who could love all of me.”

  I whisper back, “I do. I don’t care if you’re older than me or reformed. I just want to spend every minute in your arms.”

  “Mmm, me in yours too,” he growls, kissing in my ear. The drink is set down in front of me and our whispers stop as quickly as they began. “It’s all yours.”

  Even before I taste the drink, I felt lightheaded and giddy. I squirm in my seat. The cold rush of the shaved iced in my mouth gives me a brain freeze. It’s sweet and strong. And nothing I want to taste again. “I don’t like it.”

  “I can tell.” He pushes the drink to the side. “I’m glad. I was hoping you wouldn’t.” He pushes his chair out and stands. “Come on. The night’s just begun.”

  We walk another block, along a brick massive wall. Sounds of a game in progress jump over the wall and I know where we are going. “A baseball game?”

  “It’s just a minor league team. You don’t mind. Do you?”

  “Not at all.” I snuggle into him closer. “I’m only in your arms right now because of baseball. If you hadn’t asked me to practice.”

  “I wouldn’t have confessed. We wouldn’t have had an excuse to be alone in the car.”

  “It’s perfect.”

  As we get closer to the entrance of the baseball stadium, we pass bronze statues of famous ball players. Ryan walks us up to the box office to buy tickets, but there’s no one there. And there’s no ticket taker at the turnstiles to go in.

  “Huh. The game’s on.” A vendor pushing a cart walks nearby. “How do we buy a ticket?”

  “You don’t. Just come in and find a seat.” He motions to the handicapped opening, which is wide open.

  We step to the side and walk straight in. “Are you sure we should be doing this?”

  Ryan checks a nearby scoreboard screen. “It’s the seventh inning. We’ve missed over half the game. It’s fine.” He reassures me. “Where do you want to sit?”

  We step out into an aisle. The stadium is nearly empty. There’s only a smattering of people scattered about. “This feels weird. Can we just sit up here somewhere?” I stop at a row near the back.

  “How about behind the dugout?” He starts to hustle down the stadium steps.

  “No. Let’s just sit here.” I pick a spot that’s not too far down and pretty secluded. He concedes and sits next to me with his arm around me, over the back of the seat.

  Watching the game is nothing like I’ve felt before. Even with the small crowd, there’s excitement in the air.

  “Watch the pitcher. He’s going to throw a fast ball.” Ryan points to the big screen in the outfield, which has a close up of the pitcher, warming up. He kicks the dirt, palming the ball, turning it, feeling the red thread stitching. He winds up and throws. The batter swings and misses.

  “Strike two,” the umpire calls.

  Another pitch is thrown. This time the bat connects with the ball. It’s a grounder. The ball bounces right up in to an outfielders mitt. The player throws it hard over his shoulder to first base.

  “Out!” calls the umpire. The out ends that half of the inning. All the players rush off the field to the dugout.

  Familiar music plays, encouraging the crowd for the seventh inning stretch. “Stand up,” Ryan pulls me to my feet.

  The song plays and we sing along, Ryan’s voice booming louder than my own. I love listening to him sing. The song ends. Before we can sit back down, Ryan waves over a vendor.

  “Two of each. And one beer, one water.”

  The vendor side eyes me. Then hands over two bags of popcorn, two bags of peanuts and one plastic cup of beer.

  “Watch.” Ryan tosses a handful of popcorn and peanuts in his mouth, and guzzles down a drink of beer. “Now you try it.”

  “No.” I push the beer away, not curious one bit about the taste.

  “Do it!”

  “Alright.” I eat the food and sip the drink. “Yuck. Gross.”

  “Good you don’t like beer either,” he chuckles. “There’s hope for you. You haven’t tasted strong liquor.”

  In the next inning, a runner hits a triple and Ryan jumps to his feet. “Give ‘em hell!”

  His outburst shocks me. He sits back down, seeing the tok on my face, he apologizes. “Sorry, Grace. But it’s not a sin to curse at a ball game. Check the Bible.”

  His sudden burst of irreverence turns me on. Guess not all things are as black and white as dad made me think growing up. There are lines of gray in the world. Ryan is my line of gray.

  “Do you believe in love at first sight?” Why did you ask him that? I don’t know what I want him to answer. He yells at a foul ball call from the umpire before answering me.

  “I believe in lust at first sight.” He gives me this look that makes me feel like he’s undressing me in his mind.

  My heart skips a beat and I feel aroused enough to slip my skirt up an inch. “Is that what you feel for me?”

  “Do you want me to feel you?” he teases, kissing me and palming my chest. He pinches my nipple erect over my dress. “I can’t get enough of your beauty, so if you want to give me more, I’ll take it.”

  Feeling my heart beat in my throat, I take a chance
and say, “Some days I wish I wasn’t a Christian. I wish I could give into temptation.” I bite my lower lip, considering for a second to go for it. Then I jump my hand over to his lap and wedge it between his thighs. He’s hard.

  “Show me how bad you want it.” He pulls the bouquet of roses over to cover his lap from other fans. “Do it, Grace.”

  It’s maddeningly, but I run my fingertip up his zipper to the top. Obeying him, I slip the metal fastener down, feeling every tooth separate. He helps with the top button and turns his waist band down.

  “It won’t bite,” he urges, feeling my hesitation.

  “I’m going to do it.” I tickle my pinkie up to the head and swirl it around. We’ve kissed and made out in the car, but I’ve never felt him. It feels dirty, slipping my hand down his shaft.

  My hand is glued to his flesh. He’s bigger than I expected. “Mmm, yes,” he groans. I jerk on his cock, creaming up in the seat next to him. It’s wrong. I know it, but I keep doing it. I love being bad.

  “Yes, Grace. I’ve been waiting do long to have you touch me.” He held my hand tighter around his cock and pulled it up and down his length. “Do you like it?”

  I nod, yes. “I wish you could kiss it. To feel your lips wrapped around my cock would be heavenly. Do you want to give me a blowjob?” He feels my hesitation. “Not here, because if you do, I’ll want to see your pussy wrapped around my cock and we’d get arrested that.”

  I’m embarrassed by his language, but keep exploring him. “Would you like a blowjob? If we didn’t have sex.”

  “I’ll love anything you give me.” He pushes my hand away and zips back up. “For now you’d better stop so I can walk back to the car.”

  We leave right away, before the game ends. I don’t want the night to end. “Do you have to take me home now?” I slow my strides down to a creep. “Do you have any more surprises? We could go somewhere else. I still need to find a drink that I like.”

  “Not tonight. I’d rather have you all to myself the rest of the evening.”

  Chapter Eight


  “Hope you had fun,” I tell her in the car. It feels natural to drive around with her in the passenger seat, but until this evening, I’d never kept her put past curfew. Not even on the out of town game days. “It’s past curfew, Grace. What do you want to do?”

  She takes a sensual deep breath and exhales a sigh. “I want to stay with you. Let’s not go home.”

  “Will you hate me if I say I want to see you in my bed?” It’s a risky thing to say, but I have to take a chance. Having all this time with her tonight has been the best night yet. I can’t let it stop.

  “But my dad will see us drive up.”

  “And if doesn’t? Will you come inside?” She keeps her lips sealed. I fear the rest of the way that she’s going to say no. That I’ve scared her away. I pray that I haven’t.

  My heart’s pounding as I park the car in the drive way. I turn off the engine, but don’t open the garage door. “Have you made a decision?”

  She takes the high heels off and leaves them in the car floor. “Go open the damn door.”

  “Cursing.” I kiss her, palming up her skirt. “Sinner. Mmm, me like.” I bite down her neck. She trembles in my arms and I’m horny enough to take her right there. She pushes me off.

  “Inside,” she insists.

  We walk around to the side of the gate entrance. It’s on the opposite side of the house from hers, but we’re still quiet latching the gate.

  While putting the key in the outside garage door, I pause to give her one last chance. With the high heels off, and her standing flat footed, she’s a little too short for a straight on kiss, so I lift her chin up for a kiss. “You sure? You can still walk next door.”

  “I’m positive. I’m here and staying the night.”

  “Oooh,” I growl down to her. “Wasn’t expecting that.” She’s made me extremely happy and I grope up and down her luscious body. Backing her into the house, I keep her body smashed against mine. “You’re in control tonight. I won’t push you.”

  “Please do. Teach me.” Stopping in the kitchen, she kneels in front of me and scratches her fingernails up my thighs to my waistband. She grabs hold pulls her lips to kiss on crotch. My dick is thumping to escape.

  “Not yet. Not here.” I motion to the window without coverings that faces her parents kitchen.

  Even thought the house is dark, I’m not taking any chances. “Let’s move this upstairs.” I bring her to her feet and lead her around to the living room. That’s as far as we get. She let’s out a dick raising sigh.

  I can’t hold back any longer. I pull her to me. She nuzzles into me, her breath is warm on my neck. All I can think about is seeing her naked body spread out on the sheets of my bed. Even if I don’t get to take her virginity tonight, I have to see every inch of her.

  “Stop here. Take your dress off.” I reach around her and slide the zipper down her dress. She holds onto the fabric. I slip it off her shoulders, kissing her shoulder blades. “Are you scared?” I ask, stepping back.

  “No.” She drops the dress, letting it fall to pool around her ankles.

  “Fu-oh baby.” I grab her by the hips and drop to my knees. She’s not wearing the cotton Christian panties like I was expecting. She has on a nude silk matching bra and panty set.

  “Do you like them?”

  Speechless at her beauty, I hold my hands out in front of her body, but not touching her. “You surprise me, Grace.” Her panties are tight and sheer. It delights my cock to be able to see the hint of womanhood behind the thin fabric. “If you keep those on, I’ll still be happy.”

  “I plan on taking them off.” She wraps her arms around her back. Within seconds her bra joins her dress on the floor.

  “Mother of—fudge.” I jump up and squeeze her chest.

  “Your turn.” She backs up to sit on the stairs. “Show me yours.”

  “It’s not as impressive.” I rip my shirt off, untucking it, but not taking the time to unbutton it. I kiss out of my shoes and open my pants. With one more quick tug, my pants are off and I’m standing in front of her in my boxers. I thumb inside the waistband.

  “Stop!” She jumps to stand, but I fall down on top of her.

  In our underwear, I grind over her, pressing our most private parts together. “Oh, Grace. Amazing, Grace, don’t keep me waiting.”

  She crushes her grip on my cock. I have to feel her lips on me. I stand back and pull him out through the slit in my boxers. “Kiss me!” I groan, She lunges forward and I have to slow her down by tangling my hand in her hair.

  My Grace folds her lips on and swallows my throbbing dick without prodding. She’s hungry for it. “Oh, damn.” All the hours I’ve spent thinking of this moment was worth it. She’s bobbing and sucking like a natural. If she’s ready to sin, I’m going to ram my temptation down her good girl throat.

  “Suck it! Kiss it! You feel too good!” I’m growing hornier for her virgin pussy with every swallow. “Hell, Grace!” I pull her off me. “You’re going to make me cum!”

  “Isn’t that the point,” she pops off, but keeps her lips nibbling on the tip of my cock. “Don’t you want to?”

  I’m not going to lie, her reaction was a fucking turn on. It felt right and wrong at the same time. “Oh, Grace,” I moan. “Help me come.”

  “I can do that.” She locks her lips on my helmet, swirls her head back and forth, sucking me off with hunger like I hadn’t felt in a long time.

  “Ahhh, yes,” I shudder, flexing my cock forward in her mouth. Her first taboo, unsure kiss arouses me harder. Temptation builds and I can’t hold back.

  “Fuck!” I exclaim, pulling on her shoulders, forcing her on and off my dick. Her swallowing is so erotic, I forget she’s a virgin. I tear her on and off, yanking her back and forth on my rod like she’s a twenty dollar hooker. I feel a climax surge. All I can do is tangle my hands in her hair and lock her on.

  “Yes!” I groan, f
orcing the sound out. I thump my hot explosion to rush down her throat. “Oh, fuck yes.” I relax releasing my grip on her.

  “Guess I did it right?” She’s heaving at my feet. Her eyes watch me, longing for more. She’s sitting up on her knees and her fingers are lodged in her wet slit.

  Damn it’s hard to resist her. She doesn’t know what she’s doing. I tell myself. Lord forgive me, but I want to fuck her. Every part of me want to take control and dominate her willing body, but should I? I ask myself. I could easily overtake her and plunge my stick in her right there on the stairs, but behavior like that is the old me. I’m a man of God now. “Go upstairs.” I hand her dress to her. “I’ll give you time to think it over your decision. I’ll abide by it.”

  Chapter Nine


  Every inch of me wants to give myself to him, but do I dare? I’m a good girl. But I love him. I walk around the front of the bed. His bed. How long do I have? I crush my tits in my hands and walk over to the window. “You can see in my room from here.” Does he watch me? I turn back and smell his pillow. It smells like him. I cradle it in my arms, taking a big whiff. I want to be with him. I want him to be the one.

  When he opens the bedroom door, I’m laying on the bed, wearing only a smile. “I’m ready to spend the night.”

  “And give yourself to me?” He approaches, caressing up my legs. I roll to my back. He kisses up my calves. “I never thought this day would come. Are you sure?”

  “More than you are.” I separate my legs and look down my torso. If I’m going to go all the way with Ryan, I want to feel every sedition available. “Will you kiss me?”

  He slides up between my thighs, wrapping his arms around them. “I’m dying to.” He blows across my slit, stirring up a wiggle that travels all the way down to my toes.

  His gentle kiss on my clit arouses my juices to flow. He sucks on my g-spot, darting his tongue in and slowly exploring the small nub of my jewel. He’s good and his attention to detail on my clit is excruciatingly sensual.